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Competition law developments in Germany in 2024

Our partner Silke Heinz has published an overview of the most important competition law developments in Germany in 2024 in a Kluwer Competition Law Blog, including legislative changes for hospital mergers, cases under special rules for digital gatekeepers, abuse of dominance, merger control, the sector inquiry into charging stations for e-vehicles, antitrust (cartels, vertical price fixing and horizontal cooperation) and damages litigation.

You find the blogpost here.

Recognition of Excellence: Silke Heinz and Roman Zagrosek Featured in the Lexology Index

We are proud to announce that both of our partners, Silke Heinz and Roman Zagrosek, have been recognized in the prestigious Lexology Index for their outstanding expertise in competition law.

  • Silke Heinz has been named a Thought Leader – Competition and Thought Leader – Germany, and Germany – Competition for her exceptional contributions in EU and German competition law (see here).
  • Roman Zagrosek has been ranked as a Global Elite Thought Leader in the category of Competition Under 45 and Germany – Competition (see here).

This recognition highlights their unwavering dedication and expertise, reaffirming our firm’s commitment to delivering top-tier legal services.

Blog on referral proceedings in Booking

Silke Heinz has published a blog on the opinion of General Advocate Collins in the referral proceedings brought by the Amsterdam District Court to the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Booking.com case: ‘Dutch Torpedo at Work – AG Collins’ Opinion in the Booking Case’.  The referral covers whether price parity clauses can comply with the cartel prohibition in Art. 101 TFEU based on the ancillary restraints doctrine and questions on the relevant product market definition.  The blog is available here

Heinz & Zagrosek features in ranking of Wirtschaftswoche

We are delighted that business journal Wirtschaftswoche included Heinz & Zagrosek as well as our partners Silke Heinz and Dr. Roman Zagrosek again in the ranking of the most renowned antitrust law firms and lawyers in Germany (the link to the article is here, mentioned on p. 2 of the table). 

The most important developments in antitrust law in Germany in 2023

Our partner Silke Heinz elaborates on and analyzes the most important developments in antitrust law in Germany in 2023 in a Kluwer Competition Law Blog, see here: https://competitionlawblog.kluwercompetitionlaw.com/2024/03/05/main-developments-in-competition-law-and-policy-2023-germany/.  The blog covers the latest antitrust law reform, decisions regarding digital gatekeepers under Section 19a ARC (gatekeeper designation and abusive practices), cases on abuse of dominance, cartels, sustainability agreements and other horizontal cooperation, merger control and damages.


We are very pleased that Heinz & Zagrosek, as well as the individual partners, have been listed again in several rankings on antitrust law in Germany: Heinz & Zagrosek ranks among the GCR TOP 100 law firms 2023 by magazin Global Competition Review  (here), and is listed among the best commercial law firms 2023 in Germany for antitrust law in magazine brandeins (here), as well as among the Focus magazine’s TOP commercial law firms 2023 in Germany (here). Silke Heinz is listed in well-renowned Chambers under European Competition Law , Germany 2023, (here). Silke Heinz und Dr. Roman Zagrosek are both among the Handelsblatt’s best lawyers in Germany in 2023 in the area of antitrust/competition law, and Dr. Zagrosek also in the area of corporate governance & compliance (here). 
We are very grateful for the recognition of our work and see this as further incentive to continue to provide our clients with top quality legal services that are comprehensible at the same time.

Provision-by-provision commentary on the DMA published


The new commentary on the DMA has been published: Podszun (Ed.), Digital Markets Act: DMA, Gesetz über digitale Märkte, Handkommentar, 2023 (in German). 
This is one of the first specific commentaries on the new legislation at EU level that imposes certain obligations and prohibitions on so-called digital gatekeepers. 
The regulation is applicable in addition to competition law.  The DMA is considered as a legislative “milestone” in the area of digital ecosystems.

Silke Heinz has authored the chapters on Art. 5(3),(4),(5),(7) and (8), as well as Art. 6(5) DMA.
The German version of the commentary is available here. An English version is in preparation and is scheduled to be published still in 2023.